Therapeutic Riding

Many riders, families, and doctors can attest to the benefit equine therapy offers. Equine therapy is defined as "a therapy treatment strategy that utilizes equine movement as part of an integrated intervention program to achieve functional outcomes".

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Megan laughing and having fun with her equine therapy instructor Melissa.
Equine movement provides multidimensional movement, which is variable, rhythmic, and repetitive. The horse provides a dynamic base of support, making it an excellent tool for increasing the rider’s core strength, control, and balance, and building overall postural strength and endurance. The results can include greater coordination, respiratory control, and attention skills.
Furthermore, many clients enjoy additional emotional and psychological benefits, including a reduction in anxiety and depression and an increase in empowerment and confidence. Perhaps the best benefit is that a student often forgets that they are working hard because their therapy is so much fun!
BITS ETC provides therapeutic riding and equine-assisted learning opportunities to children, youth, and adults with various physical, emotional and developmental challenges (ages 2-92). We offer our services to people with autism, ADD/ADHD, muscular and skeletal diseases and disorders, learning disabilities, and those with vision or hearing impairments Through our riding sessions, we help our clients develop a “spirit that overcomes their disability.” Our PATH™ certified instructors guarantee safe and effective lessons on well-trained horses.

An excellent article from Psychology Today, written by Azmaira Maker, Ph.D., a licensed clinical psychologist, discusses how equine therapy alleviates multiple emotional and behavioral struggles. Benefits include self-esteem, trust, communication, impulse regulation, anxiety reduction, social skills, and more.